Accueil Perte de poids 30 erreurs de ventre plat faites par les femmes

30 erreurs de ventre plat faites par les femmes


You Don’t Have a Period Game Plan

If you were having a guest come stay with you, you would probably be prepared with certain foods to curb appetites, an idea of how their visit with affect your workout schedule, and some other logistical things. But why aren’t you ever thinking about Aunt Flo, a regular visitor? Many women forget that their hormonal cycles can put a temporary halt on flat belly dreams. “If you notice yourself getting bloated or pudgy about every month, your period may be to blame. Female hormones follow a cyclical schedule and often produce a bloating effect. If you’re close to or on your period, cut yourself some slack,” St. John reminds us. Better yet, try some of these foods to ease your PMS symptoms pronto.

You Think Vitamin D Only Comes from the Sun or Milk

“Insufficient levels of vitamin D have been linked to higher levels of belly fat,” shares Bedwell. Yes, Milk is the most common source of vitamin D—but there’s one plant source that is an amazing option. Bedwell suggests mushrooms that are labeled as being exposed to ultraviolet light since those will have even higher levels of vitamin D.

You’re on Trend and That’s About it

“Often times, women make changes to their diet without fully understanding why they are making them or the implications,” Hayim describes. “They hear things on the news, read things in a magazine, and quickly make changes without proper education first. Many of my clients come to me upset and complaining, swearing they have done everything to try and lose that belly weight. Some of them have ‘cut out gluten and dairy,’ or have even ‘become a vegan’ in an effort to lose weight,” she explains. “However, when we review their diet intake, I learn that they are now consuming much more calorically-dense—and sometimes nutrient-depleted—foods, which has resulted in weight gain. Before making [drastic] dietary changes, get educated or talk to a health professional.” If you want to make less-risky changes, start with these 30 Best Breakfast Habits.

You Blend Up a “healthy Drink” as a Meal Replacement

Beware the pre-packaged powders, containers, and other blender-marketed products. “Many ‘health’ juices and smoothies are filled with sugar,” says Dr. Taz. “Decreasing sugar intake is the single most effective step you can take to drop pounds. Sugar packs a lot of calories, throws your insulin levels out of whack, depresses your immune system and is highly addictive!” Instead, try her slimming smoothie recipe, the “Lean and Green Drink: Chop 1 large apple or pear, 2 stalks celery, 1 cup watercress or spinach and whip in a blender with 1 cup cold water and juice of 1/2 lemon.”

You Won’t Eat Beans Because, Well, You Know

If you’re nixing beans because they can make you gassy and bloated, you may want to rethink that theory. “Beans are actually a great belly-flattening food because research shows that bean eaters weigh less and have slimmer waistlines. If you are afraid that the fiber in beans will cause gas and bloating, just gradually increase the amount of beans you eat and drink plenty of water to avoid those issues,” advises Bedwell. Genius! An easy way to increase your bean intake is to throw them into one of these 20 Best Broth-Based Soups for Weight Loss.

You Don’t See Fresh Fruits and Veggies Unless They’re on Your Instagram Feed

Those farmers’ market stands sure are pretty, aren’t they? But are you actually buying the foods or just documenting the lovely colors? Buy the things, girl! “We need a minimum of five fruits or veggies each day to meet our nutritional needs,” Bedwell says. “Plus, all fruits and veggies are great flat-belly foods as most of them are 80-90 percent water. This means they are high in nutrients but low in calories. Not to mention, the fiber they contain helps you feel fuller longer, so you’ll lose weight without feeling hungry all the time!”

You Think the Internet is Normal

Have you ever been 27 slides deep in a round up of next-level chocolate-peanut butter waffle creations you wish you thought of first? Time to hit pause. “The internet and social media sites are basically making you fat,” says Hayim. « Hvis det ikke er 25 måter å spise tater tots så er det [another] national [something] day. Internett har gjort det i utgangspunktet umulig å holde seg unna cravings og avlatninger. These are not excuses to eat unhealthy food; try googling healthy versions of some of your favorite treats [when cravings strike]!” Allow us to suggest the 30 Best Avocado Recipes on Instagram.


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