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Low Carb Diets or Low Fat Diets – Which is Better for Weight Loss

Nonetheless, emerging research shows that low-carb diets can be just as effective. Additionally, low-carb diets have been shown to increase fat loss, reduce hunger, and balance blood sugar levels, so you may be wondering which is best for weight loss.

This article compares low-carb and low-fat diets to evaluate them for their effects on weight.

illustration of woman mixing salad

The basics of each diet

Although they are both intended to help you lose weight, low-carb and low-fat diets are structured differently.

Low carbohydrate diet

limit your carbohydrate intake to varying degrees. They understand ():

  • Very Low Carb Diets: less than 10% of total daily calories, or 20 to 50 grams per day on a 2000 calorie diet
  • Low Carb Diets: less than 26% of total daily calories, or less than 130 grams per day on a 2000 calorie diet
  • Moderate Carb Diets: 26 to 44% of total daily calories

Note that very low-carb diets are often ketogenic, meaning they severely limit carbohydrate intake to induce ketosis, a metabolic state in which your body uses fat for energy instead of carbohydrates () .

Typically, low-carb diets restrict foods like sugary drinks, baked goods, candy, and sweets. Some versions may also limit healthy carbohydrate sources, like grains, starchy vegetables, high-carb fruits, pastas, and legumes.

At the same time, you are supposed to increase your intake of protein and fats from healthy sources like meat, eggs, nuts, full-fat dairy products, unprocessed oils, and non-starchy vegetables.

Low fat diet

Low-fat diets involve limiting fat intake to less than 30% of total daily calories ().

High-fat foods like cooking oils, butter, avocados, nuts, seeds, and high-fat dairy products are generally limited or prohibited.

Instead, you're supposed to eat naturally like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, egg whites, legumes, and skinless poultry. Low-fat foods like low-fat yogurt, skim milk, and lean cuts of beef and pork are also sometimes allowed.

It's important to note that some low-fat products like yogurt may have packaged or artificial sweeteners.
Illustration of low fat foods


Low-carb diets limit foods like grains, pastas, and legumes, while low-fat diets restrict foods like oils, butter, nuts, seeds, and full-fat dairy products.

What is better for your health?

Several studies have compared the effects of low-carb and low-fat diets on weight loss, as well as several other aspects of health.

Weight loss

Most research suggests that low-carb diets may be more effective for short-term weight loss than low-fat diets (, ).

According to an older 6-month study of 132 obese people, those on a low-carb diet lost more than 3 times as much weight as those on a low-fat, low-calorie diet ().

In a small 12-week study, overweight teens who followed a low-carb diet lost an average of 21,8 pounds (9,9 kg), compared to just 9 pounds (4,1 kg) for those who followed a low-fat diet ().

Similarly, a 2-year study gave 322 obese people either low-fat, low-carb, or. The low-carb group lost 4,7 kg (10,4 pounds), the low-fat group lost 6,4 pounds (2,9 kg), and the Mediterranean group lost 9,7 pounds (4,4 kg) ().

However, other research suggests that low-carb, low-fat diets may be just as effective in the long term.

According to a review of 17 studies, participants lost significantly more weight on a low-carb diet than on a low-fat diet. Although the low-carb diet was still more effective after 12 months, the difference between the two slowly diminished over time ().

Additionally, a 2-year study of 61 people found that low-carb and low-fat diets led to similar weight changes ().

A large meta-analysis of 48 studies also found that low-fat and low-carb diets led to similar weight loss and noted that finding a diet you can stick to may be the most important factor in successful management. of successful weight ().

Fat loss

Most studies indicate that low-carb diets are more beneficial for fat loss.

A small 16-week study found that those who followed a low-carb diet had greater reductions in total body fat and belly fat than those who followed a low-fat diet ().

A one-year study of 148 people observed similar results ().

Additionally, several other studies suggest that low-carb diets to a greater extent than low-fat diets (, , ).

Additionally, an analysis of 14 studies found that low-carb diets – and very low-carb diets in particular – reduced fat mass in obese people ().

Hunger and appetite

Studies generally show that low-carb, high-protein diets improve mood compared to low-fat diets, potentially making them easier to maintain long-term (, ).

For example, a study of 148 people associated a low-fat diet with a greater reduction in levels of peptide YY – a hormone that reduces appetite and promotes satiety – than a low-carb diet ().

This may be due to the filling effects of protein and fat. These two macronutrients slow the emptying of your stomach to help keep you feeling longer (, ).

Protein and fat have also been shown to affect several hormones that control hunger and appetite.

In a small study, meals high in protein and fat increased levels of the satiety hormone glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and decreased levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin to a greater extent. much more than a meal rich in carbohydrates ().


Low blood sugar can increase feelings of hunger and cause serious side effects such as tremors, fatigue, and involuntary weight changes ().

Limiting carbohydrate intake is one strategy to help ().

A study of 56 people with type 2 diabetes determined that a low-carb diet was more effective in controlling blood sugar, increasing weight loss, and reducing insulin requirements, compared to a low-fat diet. ().

Another small study in 31 people comparing the effects of the two diets found that only the low-carb diet reduced circulating insulin levels, leading to increased insulin sensitivity ().

can improve your body's ability to transport sugar from your bloodstream to your cells, which improves blood sugar control ().

Yet while a 3-month study of 102 people with diabetes found that a low-carb diet was more effective than a low-fat diet for weight loss, there was no difference significant in terms of blood sugar levels ().

As such, more research into the effects of blood sugar in low-carb and low-fat diets is needed.


Research suggests that low-carb diets are more effective for short-term weight loss than low-fat diets, and may lead to greater reductions in body fat and hunger.

Other health effects

Low-fat and low-carb diets can affect other aspects of health in different ways. These include:

  • Cholesterol. A review of eight studies found that low-carb diets were more effective at improving HDL (good) cholesterol levels and lowering triglyceride levels than low-fat diets. Neither diet significantly affected (bad) LDL ().
  • Arterial pressure. Although studies show that both diets can reduce blood pressure levels in the short term, research on their long-term effects on blood pressure has been mixed (, , , ).
  • Triglycerides. Several studies note that a low-carb diet can lead to a higher-fat diet than a low-fat diet (, , ).
  • Insulin. Studies on the effects of low-carb and low-fat diets on insulin levels have yielded conflicting results. Further research is needed to determine whether one is more beneficial than the other (, , , ).


Diets low in carbohydrates and fats can affect your cholesterol, blood pressure, triglycerides and insulin levels.

The bottom line

Low-fat diets are considered a popular method.

However, low-carb diets are linked to greater short-term weight loss, reduced hunger, and better blood sugar control.

Although more studies are needed on the long-term effects of each diet, studies show that low-carb diets may be as effective for weight loss as low-fat diets – and may offer several additional benefits for weight loss. health.

Whether you choose a low-carb or low-fat diet, keep in mind that sticking to a diet plan long-term is one of the most critical factors for success in both weight loss. and overall health ().