Home Nutrition Best time to take vitamin D Morning or...

Best time to take vitamin D Morning or evening


La vitamin D is an extremely important vitamin, but it is found in very few foods and is difficult to obtain through diet alone.

With a high percentage of the world's population at risk of deficiency, vitamin D is one of the most common nutritional supplements.

However, many factors can affect its effectiveness, including when and how you take your daily dose.

This article explores the best time to take vitamin D to maximize its absorption and effectiveness.

Best time to take vitamin D
vitamin D

Why should people supplement?

Vitamin D stands out from other vitamins because it is considered a hormone and is produced by the skin following exposure to the sun (1).

Getting enough vitamin D is essential for your health, as studies indicate it may play a role in immune function, bone health, cancer prevention, and more. (2, 3, 4).

However, vitamin D is only found in very few food sources – so it's difficult to meet your needs if you don't get regular sun exposure.

For older adults and people with darker skin, excess weight, or living in areas with limited sunlight, the risk of deficiency is even higher (5).

In the United States, approximately 42% of adults are deficient in this essential vitamin (6).

Supplements are a simple and effective way to meet your vitamin D needs, especially if you are at risk of deficiency.

Summary Although the skin produces vitamin D in response to sun exposure, it is found naturally in very few foods. Vitamin D supplementation is an effective way to meet your needs and prevent deficiencies.

Better absorbed with meals

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning it does not dissolve in water and is best absorbed into your bloodstream when combined with foods high in fat.

For this reason, it is recommended to take vitamin D supplements with a meal to improve absorption.

According to a study of 17 people, taking vitamin D with the largest meal of the day increased vitamin D blood levels by around 50% after just 2 to 3 months (7).

In another study of 50 older adults, consuming vitamin D alongside a high-fat meal increased vitamin D blood levels by 32% after 12 hours compared to a fat-free meal (8).

Avocados, nuts, seeds, full-fat dairy products, and eggs are nutritious sources of fat that help increase vitamin D absorption.

Summary Studies indicate that having vitamin D with a large meal or fat source can significantly increase absorption.

Incorporating it into your morning

Many people prefer to take supplements such as vitamin D first thing in the morning.

Not only is this often more convenient, but it's also easier to remember your vitamins in the morning than later in the day.

This is especially true if you take multiple supplements, as it can be difficult to spread out supplements or medications throughout the day.

For this reason, it may be best to get into the habit of taking your vitamin D supplement with a healthy breakfast.

Using a pill box, setting the alarm, or storing your supplements near your table is a simple strategy to remind yourself to take your vitamin D.

Summary Some people may find it more convenient and easier to remember to take vitamin D in the morning than to take it later.

Taking it late in the day may affect sleep

Research links vitamin D levels to sleep quality.

In fact, several studies link low blood vitamin D levels to a higher risk of sleep disorders, poorer sleep quality, and reduced sleep duration (9, 10, 11).

Conversely, a small study suggested that higher blood levels of vitamin D may be linked to lower levels of melatonin – the hormone responsible for regulating your sleep cycle – in people with MS. plates (12).

Some anecdotal reports claim that taking vitamin D at night may negatively impact sleep quality by interfering with melatonin production.

However, scientific research aimed at determining the harmful effects of vitamin D supplementation at night on sleep is currently unavailable.

Until studies exist, it may be best to experiment and find what works best for you.

Summary Vitamin D deficiency can negatively impact sleep quality. Some anecdotal reports claim that supplementing with vitamin D at night may interfere with sleep, but scientific data to this effect is not available.

When is the ideal time to take it?

Taking vitamin D with a meal can improve its absorption and increase blood levels more effectively.

However, there is little research on whether taking it at night or in the morning may be more effective.

The most important step is to integrate vitamin D into your routine and take it regularly to optimize its effectiveness.

Try taking it with breakfast or with a bedtime snack, as long as it doesn't interfere with your sleep.

The key is to find what works for you and stick with it to ensure you meet your vitamin D needs.

Summary Taking vitamin D with a meal may increase its absorption, but studies on timing are limited. For best results, try different schedules to find what works for you.

The final result

Supplements can be an effective way to increase your blood levels of vitamin D, which is essential for your health.

Taking vitamin D with food can improve its effectiveness because it is fat-soluble.

Although the best time has not yet been established, scientific data to support anecdotal reports that nighttime supplements may interfere with sleep is not available.

Current research suggests that you can incorporate vitamin D into your routine at any time.


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