Home Fitness What You Really Need to Know About Spot Reduction

What You Really Need to Know About Spot Reduction


Coupons to the chase: Unfortunately, stain reduction is a myth. Splashy magazine classics will continue to peddle "quick" solutions to "reduce spots" on thighs, hips, buttocks or bowels, but unfortunately, it won't work. It doesn't matter how many side buoys or side pieces you make, your back or your stomach to reduce in direct proportion to the number of reps you force yourself to do. Usually these areas that we want to tighten, tone, stick or otherwise disappear because they are simply the places where your body tends to insert excess fat. Therefore, if you want to improve the appearance of these areas, you need to lose fat. And it's just one-way reduce fat. You need to burn more calories than you consume (to put it simply). The clinic is you can't decide where However, fat loss does occur.

The best way to reduce fat is through a combination of a solid diet (unrestricted eating), strength training, metabolic conditioning, and sleep. And even though we want the systems responsible for eliminating fat to hear our opportunities and go straight to the areas we want, it doesn't work that way! Fat is released by fat cells to create energy; But it's more than one universal process only local. Fat loss takes time and certainly doesn't happen overnight. But there are things you can do to accelerate your progress and get the results you want. So don't lose hope! Try these tactics to focus on losing body fat.

Fat-Tactic #1: HIIT Cardio

cardio is a great way to burn calories. However, if you're serious about fat loss, you'll want to include HIIT workouts whenever you can. HIIT (high-intensity interval training) requires you to switch between brief, intense efforts and bursts of intense effort. Like the effects of traffic on the car, HIIT training requires more "gas" than steady-state cardio (or cruise control). HIIT training can burn tons of calories in less time et it increases the effect of COPD (Excessive Oxygen Consumption), which helps burn calories after your workout is over. In the fat loss game, that's exactly what you're looking for: more calories burned!

Fat-Tactic #2: Lift Heavier Weights

Lifting weights can increase your bottom line et literally). Because muscle is more metabolically active than fat, you'll consume more calories before, during, and after exercise as your muscle mass increases. However, it is important to note that this promises heavy Weights are what you need to do to increase muscle mass. Lifting weights for a large number of repeated terms to tone your muscles. It will burn calories, but this approach is not as beneficial as lifting heavier weights.

Fat-Tactic #3: Head-to-Toe Flex

You can also kill two birds with one stone by choosing strength training exercises that require more muscle groups. Whole body movements is perfect for increasing heart rate and building strength at the same time. Because the exercises require more muscle groups to work together, you get a better return on your efforts! Not to mention that body movements are generally functional as well. Functional movements help improve your daily activities, which is an added benefit.

The Final Word on Fat (Loss)

Finally, if belly fat is the final limit and it's not going to happen, nutrition may need to be looked at more closely. Stomach fat is stubborn and usually fits better eat healthy. Remember to consider the role sleep can play a role in weight loss. Sleep helps your body restore and synthesize the work you do. Lack of sleep leads to higher levels of cortisol, which increases appetite. Combine it with reduced willpower (and your fat cells are 30% less able to handle insulin, according to Annals of internal medicine 2012) and you can see the problem!

While spot reduction may seem like the logical answer to a firmer midsection and non-floaty arms, a more comprehensive approach to health and wellness is a better option. Ditch the small, laser-focused exercises for more intense cardio, heavier weights, and full-body moves. Keep an eye on nutrition, sleep and stress. You might be surprised how fast the results are.


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