Home Fitness 7 things to do to get back to your usual habits

7 things to do to get back to your usual habits


So you've taken the summer out of your training goals. You're not alone. Who can resist all the great gifts and events? Barbecues, family reunions, graduations and weddings are popular summer events that inevitably include too much food and good drinks. But just because you took a break doesn't mean all is lost. A change of season is a good time for a change or renewal of habits. Plus, with kids back in school, it's a great time for parents, especially, to refocus on their own personal health plans and priorities. Here are some easy ways to get started and develop new positive habits or rebuild old habits.

1. Take time.

Everyone has 24 hours a day. This is how we choose to spend our time making a difference. If you are a parent or have a very time-consuming job, the challenge can be even more difficult, but not impossible. Be creative with your timeand make exercise a must-do.

2. Get the “bad” food out of the house.

Everyone has heard of spring cleaning, right? Well, you should do the same with your pantry. Now is a great time to look for unhealthy foods that end up in your home in the summer and get rid of them (consumer they are not necessarily the best way to get them out of the house!). It is very difficult to resist the temptation of foods that remain within arm's reach. Out of sight, out of mind.

3. Find an accountability partner.

Training matches are important. Most people find it easier to stay on track if they know someone is holding them accountable. And knowing that you have to explain to your training partner why you're canceling a session makes you more likely to stay up to date. It's also important to have someone around to celebrate wins. A little encouragement goes a long way!

4. Be patient with yourself.

The old adage says: "Rome was not built in a day." » The same goes for getting back on the path to fitness. Most studies indicate that it takes at least 21 days to form a habit. Give yourself time to retrace your steps and slow down. You may not be able to do everything you did before taking a break, but that won't stop you from starting.

5. Don't worry about the past.

Worry about the future! Don't settle for what happened over the summer. The most important thing is that you made the decision to start again. Start eating better, exercise regularly and look ahead. Your future self will thank you.

6. Choose a workout routine you love.

Make sure you balance your cardio training and resistance training to get the most out of each session. If you love what you do and it fits your lifestyle, you're more likely to stick with it. If you are looking for further help and support, Consider a Personal Trainer give advice on what would be the best plan for you and make sure you are on the right track.

7. Get your healthy habits in place before the holidays.

If you've already established habits to eat better and exercise regularly, it'll be easier to say no to any of the less healthy treatments that inevitably come your way. You can enjoy your vacation without being completely off-piste with your goals.

When you start, the memories of how well you cared for your body come back, the results start to show and you will continue. Good luck and have a good trip!


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